
Want to get your stuff seen? I’m averaging 3,000 visits a month and climbing.
I’ll keep it cheap for now:

  • One month of advertising ($50)
  • Six months of advertising ($200)
  • One year of advertising ($500)

File format can be jpg, png, or gif (animated as well) and the size is 300 pixels wide x 150 pixels tall.

Thanks in advance for your support!

Advertise at Eric Huber's Mighty Creative Stuff

  • Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, Max. file size: 50 MB.
    Upload your graphic (preferably in 300x150pixels size in either jpg, gif, png, or pdf). Your file size should be small. If you're interested in a larger ad, notate in the message and you can go to 300x300 pixels in size for twice the price).