Top Ten Books to Change Your Life
We live in a diverse world.
Yes, I know that is probably a huge ‘duh’ statement. But sometimes I think we forget to see things through other people’s eyes. Even when someone at work is really freaking-out upset, and gets us all worked up for a fight, we don’t know what that person has gone through that has made them upset. Generally, they lash out in ways they can instead of at their wife, kids, or accountant.
Barring the obvious differences in religion, social status, or age, there are several books that really allow you to gain new perspective, delve deep into your own mental blocks, and even help you in your relationships at home and work.
I am intentionally avoiding all religious texts. They stand on their own. My goal is to give you texts that you can adapt to most any belief system by exchanging Universe with God…or vice versa.
I’ve read all but one of them myself (the other has been read by three friends and on my list to read next) and can attest to the great message each has. Some people may be put off by the words, “Rich,” “Prophet,” or “Influence,” but I tell you that once you stretch past your normal comfort zone, your new perspective will enrich your life in ways you can’t imagine right now.
It has for me and many others.
Enjoy and grow!
If you click on any link, you’ll be taken to Amazon.com where you can get more detailed information. If these look interesting and you enjoy the writings on my website, please purchase the book and you’ll be contributing to the upkeep of this site. Most books are less than $10 and many can be purchased USED for as low as $2! Just amazing.
In no particular order:
- The Four Agreements
by Don Miguel Ruiz – A quick read that can transform you think about the drama in your life.
- The Prophet
by Kahlil Gibran – Written as parables, this poetic writing gives interesting views of various aspects of life, including marriage, children, and death.
- The Science of Getting Rich
by Wallace Wattles – this text, written in the early 1900s, gives a real way to change the way you think about money from a spiritual AND scientific view.
- How to Win Friends & Influence People
by Dale Carnegie – Carnegie gives you the key to get anything you want in life by helping others get what they want as well.
- Think and Grow Rich
by Napoleon Hill – The grand-daddy of all books that help you achieve any goal you set forth. Hill actually lived during the time of Henry Ford, Thomas Edison and many others who achieved greatness in the face of adversity.
- The Passion Test
by Janet Attwood and Chris Attwood – Only half-way satisfied with life? This book helps you refine what really excites you and how to live a life filled with your passions.
- Loving What Is
by Bryon Katie – Katie gives you tools to resolve drama from others, go deeper into conflicts with those people, and find what you truly feel.
- The Mastery of Love
by Don Miguel Ruiz – Ruiz shows how each person lives in their own dream and how to wake from your own.
- Illusions
by Richard Bach – this fictional story finds the writer searching for answers and finding it in a mechanic with unique perspectives…and powers.
- Real Love
by Greg Baer, M.D. – Learn about unconditional love when “relationships fail all around us every day-between spouses, lovers, siblings, friends, and co-workers…”