The Hero’s ‘Spiritual’ Journey (and Other Dreams)

The Hero’s ‘Spiritual’ Journey (and Other Dreams)

The Hero’s ‘Spiritual’ Journey (and Other Dreams)

My first ‘sermon’ (although we refer to them as messages) held at Unity of Fayetteville on October 16, 2011. Rita Graham was a guest singer and with Annette Olsen (the Music Director), they created amazing versions of One Moment in Time AND To Dream the Impossible Dream. (I’ll see if it’s okay to post those here too.)

Audio is about 34 minutes long with a guided meditation about 23 minutes into the message that lasts about 10 minutes.

Original photo by Steven Kraghmann.

The Hero's Spiritual Journey (at Unity of Fayetteville)

by Eric Huber



Some doors you can’t even find. This short story that opens the way for other times and dimensions – or at least to a field in Pettigrew, Arkansas.

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Today is January 20, 2019.Yesterday, I turned fifty-three years of age.Level 53.  It’s been nearly a year since I wrote a blog post. I’ve worked on some stories, however, over the past year and hope to start sharing again soon. I’ve also worked on my business, spent...

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Memorial for My Mother

Memorial for My Mother

This blog entry comes a few months into 2018 and the first blog I've written since my memorial to my dad and his passing last September 2017. Of course, this is a bit of a cheat as I'm actually going to share with you the memorial speech I gave at my mom's service in...

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