2016 was rough, ya’ll. I’ve decided to dive into a new theme this year to help with a hidden problem I’ve had for a long long time.

The Hero’s ‘Spiritual’ Journey (and Other Dreams)
The Hero’s ‘Spiritual’ Journey (and Other Dreams)
My first ‘sermon’ (although we refer to them as messages) held at Unity of Fayetteville on October 16, 2011. Rita Graham was a guest singer and with Annette Olsen (the Music Director), they created amazing versions of One Moment in Time AND To Dream the Impossible Dream. (I’ll see if it’s okay to post those here too.)
Audio is about 34 minutes long with a guided meditation about 23 minutes into the message that lasts about 10 minutes.
Original photo by Steven Kraghmann.
The Hero's Spiritual Journey (at Unity of Fayetteville)
2017 Theme: Accepting the Glass is Half Empty Too
On Leo Station, it’s time for Commander Inana to begin a system’s check to ensure everything is in order and functioning at full capacity.
But, is it?
Revised Intro to “Dragon”
- -2022 rewrite of the intro. _______________ A low rasping moan echoed through the dark dank entombed ruins causing sleeping bat wings to flutter as well as small rodents and thousand-footed insects to scatter back into holes for safety. No light had...