Ancient Canal Builders

Ancient Canal Builders

Ancient Canal Builders

Updated August 28, 2022

I had initially published this article in April of 2011 but discovered in 2022 that the site by John Jensen* was no longer available. It categorized many hidden canals and ports in North America, shifting our view from what we think we know about America to a whole new and radically different perspective of pre-historic civilizations on the North American continent.

My personal belief from all the articles, books, and research I’ve seen is that the North American content suffered a catastrophe that affected the whole world around 12-13,000 years ago. That the reason North America seemed so behind the rest of the world, civilization-wise was that so much had been destroyed that only myths and legends survived. The Hopi’s Ant People who saved them by going into a mountain underground is one such story.

Here are some additional sites I’ve found that have some research on ancient canals:

*I have not been able to find any activities of John Jensen but was able to pull information from his archived website on the Wayback Machine and will try to archive a copy of his content myself. His Ancient Canals website is now a gambling site and his Facebook page is some other business.



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