One Man Proved You Can Live Underground

This just in! (sort of)

China: Miner Found Alive After 17 Years Underground

Due to a mining collapse during an earthquake, Cheung Wai, a 59-year old survivor from the 1997 accident, was trapped underground.

“Somehow lucky in his misfortune, Mr. Cheung was saved by the fact that some ventilation duct still connected his underground prison to the surface, allowing him access to air that was  sufficiently pure to keep him alive. He managed to survive thanks to an emergency stash of rice and water, stored in an underground depot, conceived especially for this kind of case. The man complemented his diet by catching and eating the countless rats that pullulate in the mine, as well as collecting large quantities of some sort of phosphorescent moss, which constituted his only source of vitamins.”

How long could people survive if they MEANT to stay underground and prepared for it?

See full article at:

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