Ant People of First Earth

Ant People of First Earth

Ant People of First Earth

This is another area I’ve always considered ever since I first heard about the Hopi Ant People mythology stories.

You see, it was the Ant People who sheltered humans underground during the destruction of the First World according to Hopi legend.

Here is a GREAT passage of the myth that reinforces the idea that there was once a great solar disaster in our past:

So the people went down to live with the Ant People. When they were all safe and settled, Taiowa commanded Soyuknang to destroy the world. Soyuknang destroyed it by fire because the Fire Clan had been it’s leaders. He rained fire upon it. He opened up the volcanoes. Fire came from above and below and all around until the Earth, the waters, the air, all was one element: fire. And then there was nothing left except the people safe inside the womb of the Earth.

This was the end of Tokpela, the First World.”

ant-head Now, to me, if you enlarge a picture of an ant’s head, it looks just like a gas mask. So it occurred to me, that THIS is the reason we all went underground and why so many mythologies speak of ‘man created from earth’ or ‘people being led from the caves to learn the ways of agriculture.’ All of this as if we were primitive and needed help.

However, a global disaster would have had people hiding for many years and they would have needed help from the industrious Ant People who… if the stories were true… would have needed gas masks in a world where volcanoes spewed lava and sulphur. Heck, you would have needed masks just to breathe after a global fire.

On one of the Izu Islands, an island called Izu Oshima is a place where three tectonic plates meet and the island’s air is filled with sulphur. In fact, it has the highest concentration of sulphur on earth (according to the two sources I found). They all live with gas masks on (or very close by). They are also paid for scientific research to do so.

Hmmm. Why is someone doing research to see the effects of living with a gas mask on all your life.

Me thinks some people are working on being prepared.




Third Eye Mythologies Explored

Third Eye Mythologies Explored

Third Eye Mythologies Explored

A Cambodian Shiva head showing a third eye.

A Cambodian Shiva head showing a third eye. (via

Now here’s something that is timely (when I’m writing it, anyway).

In a previous post, I explored the topic of the Crystal Skulls as a storage device for data.

In October of 2007, I went on a little vacation in which part took me to the ‘Woo woo’ town of Sedona, Arizona. An amazing place with vortex tours, red rocks, myths, native art, and many more things to help you get away. During a Vortex tour, our guide told us how the crystals we find in the earth actually hold the memories of native American ancestors. If we took it and held it to our third eye, and were open to the experience, a flood of experiences and knowledge would pour into our being.

Sounded scary. I didn’t try.

But it did get me thinking and asking more questions. Over the past few years, I’ve met many students of the healing power of crystals, the inherent knowledge in crystals, and more. I was informed, by several people, that you had to have a certain type of crystal to truly connect with the ancient wisdom and knowledge. Superman holding crystal This information, coupled with the belief in the power of the “Third Eye,” in which we can do everything from see higher planes of existence, be able to access higher levels of knowledge and wisdom, and also channel the creative force of the universe into creating what we think, left me with a concept I’m sure will raise a ruckus. And that is, what if the “Third Eye” and the stories of crystals holding memories are one and the same? That the “Third Eye” was actually a powered device worn that acted in a much more modern fashion that today’s iPhone (or other smartphone)?

Crazy you say? They are nothing alike!

Granted, it doesn’t go on our forehead, but don’t we use it for seeing ‘higher planes of existence’ like Google Maps,, and speak to beings that aren’t there? Don’t we access higher levels of knowledge and wisdom by using, websites, and other apps? Don’t we even channel our desires into creating what we think by ordering books, food, and goods that miraculously appear at our doorsteps? And aren’t our smartphones made of glass and metal? How would you describe the function of your iPhone to your grandkids if, by some weird disaster, all power, cell service, and technology were gone? “Um, well, we used this to talk to people around the planet, look up information, and, um, order pizza.” “What, grandpa? You could talk to people in the sky? Have knowledge instantly given to you? AND food would appear in front of you? You’re crazy, grandpa, but we love you anyways.”

Think I’m off base? Well, as I said at the beginning about being ‘timely.’

Google Glass EmilyJust this past week, Google released information about it’s new Google Glass device. It’s a pair of glasses that allows you to share what you’re seeing, AND use several functions including video chat, maps, information, music, and more. Take a look at the video below if you don’t believe me. Maybe, the various ancient words and terms for the Third Eye and the symbolic representation were simply brand names or product names. Just a thought. P.S. I also noticed in WikiPedia how many believe that master of the “Third Eye” allowed for ‘Out-of-body experiences.” Like, oh…say…watching a movie through your Google Glasses?


Ahura Mazda Warns of Global Disaster

Ahura Mazda Warns of Global Disaster

Ahura Mazda Warns of Global Disaster

In the Zoroastrian holy book the Vendidad, Ahura Mazda warns the prophet Yima of an impending natural disaster. Yima organized creating an underground refuge to save the people of his country. The television show, Ancient Aliens, posits that Ahura Mazda, who flew in the skies, was an aliens who helped humans and got them to build the underground city of Derinkuyu.

I have a different idea. When I stop and look at modern satellites, I see a striking resembalence to Ahura Mazda’s chariot as well as many winged vehicles flown by the gods that communicated from the heavens (rather than those who landed and walked among us ordinary humans.) What do satellites do today? Help with communications. Look at the stars. And warn us of bad weather coming.

And the God NOAA spoke to the people and said, ‘A Tornado Warning is in effect. A tornado was spotted moving northeast over Washington county at the speed of 30 miles per hour. Those in the path of the tornado should seek shelter immediately. Damaging winds and hail have been associated with this storm.’

And speaking of satellites, if we had reached an advanced level of technology before, could it be possible that satellites still orbit the earth from a bygone era? An international group is launching a time capsule into space that they hope will last 50,000 years named, KEO. What secrets will the god KEO give up in 50,000 years?



Crystal Skulls and Holographic Data Storage

Crystal Skulls and Holographic Data Storage

Crystal Skulls and Holographic Data Storage

What if we knew, today, that a world wide calamity was going to strike?

What if we knew most of the population of the planet would be lost, our infrastructure destroyed, our knowledge in ‘the cloud’ inaccessible? Almost everything is digital at the moment; books, movies, music, and images. If something destroyed, or interrupted, the electrical fields, or simply destroyed our ability to generate power…what would happen to the over 1 billion terrabytes of data we have stored?

What if language and communication were bound to be confused or lost entirely without the constant passing down of knowledge, reading, math, and history?

What if we had time to prepare?

And what if, we could leave behind that knowledge and make it recognizable to later generations?

Where is information stored?
Our brains.

And our brains reside?
In our skull.

Did you know current trends in Holographic Data Storage are able to store a Terabyte of information in a high-density plastic disc much like the size of a DVD? That’s 200 DVDs on a single disc.

Some scientists are working on liquid crystals to form into shapes for data storage.

What is the legend of the Crystal Skulls? That they hold information of our ancestors. That they are so smooth that they appear to be created without any polishing or shaping?

Hmmm. Sounds like liquid crystal shaped into a skull…which is symbolic of the containment vessel for our brains.

Now, to find the primer and figure out how to read and decode the language(s) of the people of First Earth.


Holographic Data Storage
Brian Lawrence at GE Global Research
200 DVDs on a single disc
1 Terrabyte of data on a disc

Liquid Crystals Light Way to Better Data Storage
Science Daily/ june 24, 2010

Legend of the Crystal Skulls
Minute mark of around 12:00


Ancient Pre-Egyptian Sage-Scientists Foresaw Our Current Predicament

Ancient Pre-Egyptian Sage-Scientists Foresaw Our Current Predicament

Eleven thousand years ago, at the end of the last ice age, the ancient sage-scientists of a doomed advanced civilization undertook a long-term plan to deliver the wisdom required to prevent the complete destruction of our cycle of civilization.

(OPENPRESS) April 12, 2011 — As documented throughout Finishing the Mysteries of Gods and Symbols, by Seven Star Hand, ancient symbology was used to encode advanced science and profound spiritual wisdom designed to be revealed at a very specific time, far in their futures. As seen throughout the Bible, related religious canons and narratives, the Dead Sea Scrolls, and the stunning works of ancient Egypt, symbols, symbolism, and symbology were an advanced philosophical technology that also served as an equally advanced encryption method.

As described in earlier articles and releases, the ancient sages and prophets used ancient symbology to encode vital details to hide them from religious leaders throughout the previous several millennia. This was done to guarantee that the truth about our existence and pivotal historical details would not remain forever buried beneath the lies and ignorance of religions and their leaders.

Humanity is now at a crux and teetering on the edge of an abyss. Failing to understand the true nature of our currently unfolding dire predicament, its hidden causes, and how to prevent the complete collapse of our civilization, would lead to a great disaster for humanity, followed by millennia of chaos and great struggles. This is precisely what occurred to the last cycle of advanced civilization, 11,000 years ago. It has taken us eleven millennia to match only some of their knowledge and accomplishments.

As related in various tales, most of the people of the last cycle of advanced civilization also grew greedy, arrogant, and complacent and ignored the warnings of their sages and scientists. Just like modern-day humanity, they arrogantly and greedily changed the environment, which eventually melted the ice caps and resulted in the rapid end of the last ice age. The echoes of their destruction are still heard in stories like “Atlantis” and the earlier Zep Tepi narratives of the ancient Egyptians. This is the true source of the Biblical tale of Noah, the great flood, and similar stories from Babylon and elsewhere.

Ancient sage-scientists built the Great Pyramid Complex and the Great Sphinx to serve as massive symbolically-encoded messages for a far future generation, hence to our failing civilization. Successive future sages followed the same ancient plans when building other monuments and authoring symbolic wisdom narratives and prophecies. These ancient pre-Egyptian sage-scientists were the precursors of later Egyptian, Nubian, Hebrew, Essene, Gnostic, Druid, and other related wisdom groups. The symbology used by them was later also used by the Hebrew prophets and sages to construct the symbolic narratives later modified and incorporated throughout the canons of all three faiths of Abraham. The symbology and key details of the prophecies incorporated into religious canons can be traced directly to this ancient group of pre-Egyptian sage-scientists.

The ancient sages and prophets undertook a massive 11,000 year-long project to deliver the wisdom necessary for us to avoid the horrible fate of their doomed civilization. Though it is far too easy to get lost in the great amount of detail, symbols, religious canons, prophecies, and other related knowledge, it is important to understand that wisdom comes through grasping the simple truths that describe, define, and quantify all of the details of the complex whole. In other words, wisdom is a definitive microcosm that gives one the ability to understand and better control the greatly expanded and complex macrocosm.

All of the great efforts of the ancient sages and prophets, throughout the past 11 millennia, have been designed to deliver a long-promised simple gem of ancient wisdom called the Doctrine of Two Spirits. It has been given numerous ancient names like [Amen]Moses’ “two tables of stone,” Thoth’s emerald tablet(s), Jacob’s Ladder, Wisdom’s Seven Pillars, the Philosopher’s Stone, the Holy Grail, the Grail Stone, etc. This ancient treasure of wisdom is now available to humanity when most needed by us, as we teeter on the brink of a disastrous collapse of global civilization.

You may read Finishing the Mysteries of Gods and Symbols, by Seven Star Hand to understand the supporting evidence and rules for the symbology. The preface titled The Doctrine of Two Spirits can be read online at Google Books. Other links to read and download the e-book are also available at

Science and ancient wisdom have finally come together to unlock the mysteries of the ancient past and decisively prove the truth about all religions. You may now prove it to yourself at

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Vimanas – Indian Flying Machines

Vimanas – Indian Flying Machines

A vimana is a mythological flying machine, described in the ancient mythology of India. References to these flying machines are commonplace in ancient Indian texts, even describing their use in warfare. As well as being able to fly within Earth’s atmosphere, vimanas were also said to be able to travel into space and travel submerged underwater.

Descriptions in the Vedas and later Indian literature detail vimanas of various shapes and sizes:

  • In the Vedas: the Sun and Indra and several other Vedic deities are transported by flying wheeled chariots pulled by animals, usually horses (but the Vedic god Pusan’s chariot is pulled by goats).
  • The “agnihotra-vimana” with two engines. (Agni means fire in Sanskrit.)
  • The “gaja-vimana” with more engines. (Gaja means elephant in Sanskrit.)
  • Other types named after the kingfisher, ibis, and other animals.

The word comes from Sanskrit and seems to be vi-mana = ‘apart’ or ‘having been measured”. The word also means a part of a Hindu temple. The meaning of the word likely changed in this sequence:

  • An area of land measured out and set apart to be used for sacred purposes.
  • Temple
  • A god’s palace
  • In the Ramayana: the demon-lord Ravana’s flying palace called Pushpaka.
  • In later Indian writings: other flying vehicles, and sometimes as a poetic word for ordinary ground vehicles.

In some modern Indian languages, the word vimana means ordinary real aircraft.

The Buddhist book Vimanavatthu (Pali for “Vimana Stories”) uses the word “vimana” with a different meaning: “a small piece of text used as the inspiration for a Buddhist sermon”.

AWESOME source: